POV: You’re a western pond turtle! Follow a year in the life of a WPT—in all of its adventures and struggles!
Read MoreThe Medford Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) clearcuts speak for themselves—and it's not a pretty story. Following the Rum Creek fire just upslope of the Wild & Scenic Rogue River outside of Galice, OR, the BLM engaged in extensive post-fire roadside clearcutting. Watch videos from the field report here.
Read MoreKS Wild is known for holding federal land managers accountable and challenging timber sales that threaten harm to wildlife and watersheds, so it's a big deal when we give the BLM their flowers for doing the right thing…
Read MoreDo you remember the BLM's Integrated Vegetation Management plan to log old-growth Late Successional Reserves like those located in the Late Mungers timber sale near Williams? After commenting, public meetings, field checking, and trying everything we could think of to get BLM to retain these old-growth forests, we finally will have our day in court, and you are invited to join us.
Read MoreLast week, I ventured into the field with George, our Conservation Director, to groundtruth a Medford District Bureau of Land Management (BLM) timber sale called Mill Rat within the Poor Windy project just north of Grants Pass, Oregon. What we found was heartbreaking. Click to read the full field report.
Read MoreThe Biden Administration has announced a federal rule for how the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) mission addresses the climate and biodiversity crises, attempting to re-balance BLM’s multi-use mandate for managing public lands, which for decades has favored resource extraction over any other use.
Read MoreThe Medford District of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) continues to propose timber sales and contend they are retaining (rather than logging) old-growth, and conservation organizations and the BLM’s neighbors will argue that the BLM is in fact logging old-growth. So, who is right and what’s behind the conflicting claims?
Read MoreFor the past 7 years, the timber industry has filed numerous lawsuits with the goal of reopening these lands for logging. The legal attempts extended from Medford federal courts and made it all of the way to the Supreme Court this winter before the highest court in the country declined to hear their case earlier this month.
Read MoreDo you remember the BLM's Integrated Vegetation Management plan to log old-growth Late Successional Reserves like those located in the Late Mungers timber sale near Williams? After commenting, public meetings, field checking, and trying everything we could think of to get BLM to retain these old-growth forests, we finally will have our day in court, and you are invited to join us.
Read MoreFollowing years of public concern and successful op eds and appeals, the Bear Grub timber sale is canceled (again)! Read more about the decision here.
Read MoreThe Northwest Forest Plan is the largest, truly science-based forest and ecosystem management plan in the country, affecting 19 million acres of public lands across western Washington, Oregon, and northern California, and it’s getting an update. Learn more here.
Read MoreThe Medford District BLM Poor Windy Timber Sale allows logging on more than 15,000 acres, including cutting down 4,573 acres of mature and old-growth trees.
Read MoreFederal agencies such as the Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management are legally required to consider public opinion. When you or your community join the decision-making process through contributing substantive public comments, you have the opportunity to influence the actions of the agency involved. Learn how to make comments on federal projects in this blog.
Read MoreThe US Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) released the first ever national inventory of mature and old-growth forests. Want to know what this all means for the protection of forests in the Pacific Northwest?
Read MoreConsidering that Oregon is known as the “Beaver State,” regulations are lacking to protect this iconic animal that is present in so many waterways and provides so many ecological and hydrological benefits. Can we, as humans, use our skills to coexist with this essential critter? Proposed HB 3464 will change how Oregonians relate to beavers.
Read MoreSome timber advocates within the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) simply cannot abide the idea that there are old-growth forests designated as protected on public lands, so they’ve designed a new program called “Integrated Vegetation Management” to target Late Successional Reserves for logging. Learn more about the IVM project in this blog.
Read MoreWe need to protect Oregon lands from climate extremes and harness their potential as a climate solution. The Senate Committee on Natural Resources has scheduled a hearing on SB 530, common-sense legislation that will help increase carbon sequestration on our forests, agricultural lands, and wetlands and improve the resilience of our water, wildlife, and communities. Learn more about SB 530 and action you can take for natural climate solutions in this blog.
Read MoreThe Oregon legislature kicked off its 2023 legislative session in early January and wildfire is definitely on policy makers' minds. Revising the controversial statewide wildfire risk map released last year is a top priority. KS Wild is tracking several other wildfire bills in the session and is advocating for policy that protects both our communities and our forests.
Read MoreLiving in a fire prone area can be scary. We have witnessed destructive wildfires that have left our communities changed forever. The good news is there are actions we can take to prepare our communities for it. Read our blog to learn about the ways prescribed fire can help prevent detrimental wildfire.
Read MoreThe Forest Service is currently in the beginning phases of updating the Northwest Forest Plan, the first large-scale, bioregional forest plan incorporating conservation biology. We will be working with partners to ensure an updated plan reflects the current issues our forests face in the era of climate change. Read our Climate Program’s latest blog post about these critically important NFP updates.
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