A Tale of Two Timber Sales
KS Wild is known for holding federal land managers accountable and challenging timber sales that threaten harm to wildlife and watersheds, so it's a big deal when we give the BLM their flowers for doing the right thing…
Forestland soils post-regeneration logging.
In the case of the South Clark timber sale, the Medford BLM initially proposed "regeneration logging" in the wildland-urban interface around the town of Butte Falls. This would have increased fire hazard near homes and ranches. After considering public comments, the BLM wisely dropped the proposed regeneration logging near to town. That level of reasonable compromise is unusual for the BLM and should be applauded. See the BLM's South Clark project page here.
Image from the Last Chance timber project.
In contrast, the BLM is barreling ahead with plans to conduct "gap creation" clearcutting throughout the upper Grave Creek watershed near Wolf Creek, Oregon in an old-growth removal project appropriately called "Last Chance” timber project. KS Wild and our friends at Cascadia Wildlands and Oregon Wild are gearing up to challenge this unwise old-growth timber grab. You can read our Environmental Assessment comments here. See the BLM's Last Chance project page here.