Forest along the Elk Creek Bike Path
This "bring your own bike" event is about 10 miles total along Elk Creek, the site of what had once been a planned dam and reservoir in the upper Rogue near Trail. Rogue Riverkeeper Program Director, Frances Oyung and Rogue River Watershed Council Community Engagement Project Manager, Crystal Nichols will co-lead the event.
Learn about this important Rogue tributary and the story of how it remains undammed. Riders of all ages welcome if capable of covering the distance on an old road (now closed to vehicles) with broken pavement and gravel in spots, and some elevation gain. Mountain or off-road bikes/tires best for this surface. We will ride on the old Elk Creek road through oak woodlands and former pastures along the floodplain, have lunch (BYO) and take a few stops to talk about the history of the Elk Creek dam project, current and proposed management issues, native fish, and restoration.
Sometimes rain cancels events... Event planned for 3/11 with back up rain date of 3/18.