Spend a weekend in the beautiful Illinois Valley with renown author David Abram for a weekend of connecting with nature, music, movement, and insightful conversation. This workshop will support you to expand and intensify your sense of wonder, hone your poetic and storytelling skills and become a more powerful agent of cultural metamorphosis. See the workshop schedule.
Hosted by Julie Norman, Rachael Resch, and Richard Seidman
For more information contact: Julie 541-488-9474, register2018@juliekaynorman.com www.juliekaynorman.com
David Abram asks:
How can we open a fresh and unshakeable solidarity between humankind and the other animals, plants, and elemental forces that compose this breathing biosphere?
The climatic changes now underway ensure that civilization will experience dramatic transformations in the near future, indeed that humanity is about to undergo a sea change of immense proportions. How can we help such metamorphoses unfold in a manner beneficial not just to human elites, but to the greatest possible range of species, ecosystems, and cultures?
A dawning recognition of the primacy of place, an awareness of wildness unfolding wherever we train our attention, a fresh humility in relation to other earthborn beings (whether salmon or cedars or stormclouds), and a radically transformed sense of the sacred — all these are struggling to be born at this moment in the world’s unfolding. How can this transformed awareness settle deep into our muscles and bones, and how can it come most powerfully to expression in our lives?
Join us for a vivid personal experience and collective exploration, a gathering rich with storytelling, poetry, and conversation. We’ll pool discoveries for engendering a new experience of the enveloping earth and atmosphere — as an intelligent, exuberant, improvisational, and sentient reality— and of ourselves as full-bodied participants (along with the bears and crickets) in the emergence of that reality.