Working Together: Protecting the Rogue Pack and Livestock
You might remember the wolf OR-7, the first documented wolf in southern Oregon and California in nearly a century. After a 1,000 mile journey, OR-7 and a mate established the Rogue Pack south of Crater Lake National Park in southern Oregon. In the past few years, the Rogue Pack has been in trouble, entering a nearby ranch and taking out cattle.
KS Wild and the Department of Fish & Wildlife teamed up with the affected rancher to determine the best way to deter the Rogue Pack from taking out cattle—by building a tall fence. Through a successful GoFundMe effort, KS Wild raised the remaining $6,000 needed for the project to keep the wolves out and protect the cattle.
This effort provided a rare opportunity for collaboration between groups often seen at odds—ranchers, environmental conservationists, and federal agencies. The rancher was not against wolf recovery, he just needed to protect his livestock and his livelihood. SImilarly, he realized KS Wild was not his enemy either. There are many forces aimed at keeping communities divided. Working together for a common cause brought a positive solution for all involved.
And, it worked! We raised the money and the fence was constructed in early October. We’re hopeful it will help the Rogue Pack this winter stay away from livestock and in the wild where they will be safe. Thanks to everyone that chipped in!
Here are some photos from our visit to the ranch during the fence construction process.