Oregon Wildlands News Archive
July 27, 2023
SOWSPA would permanently prevent new mining projects in the Hunter Creek, Pistol River, Rough and Ready Creek (pictured here), and Baldface Creek watersheds in SW OR, extending the current 20-year ban that began in 2016. Photo credit: Unknown
Representative Val Hoyle Press Release for Southern Oregon Watershed and Salmon Protection Act (SOWSPA).
Click here to learn more about the Kalmiopsis Wilderness and the adjacent public lands through which these waterways flow.
February 13, 2023
The ORE Act would establish a 98,000-acre recreation area on the banks of the Rogue River in Southwestern Oregon next to the Wild Rogue Wilderness Area. Photo credit: Haleigh Martin
Senator Ron Wyden Press Release on Oregon Recreation Enhancement (ORE) Act.
Click here to learn more about the Rogue River and the important ecological role it plays in southern Oregon.
January 31, 2023
The Smith River National Recreation Enhancement Bill would expand the Smith River National Recreation Area by 58,000 acres, protecting the diverse ecosystems of the rivers, streams, and adjacent lands of the North Fork Smith River watershed. Photo credit: Amy Schlotterback
Senator Jeff Merkley Press Release on Smith River National Recreation Enhancement bill.
Click here to learn more about Oregon’s North Fork Smith River and what the legislation would mean for the watershed.