Join our Old-Growth Virtual Hike!
To celebrate the launch of our old-growth campaign and to generate a visual petition for all of our community members who love and appreciate old-growth forests, we are inviting you tell agencies like the United States Forest Service (USFS) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) why old-growth trees and forests are important to you. Join us for our virtual old-growth hike to share your love of big trees and maybe even win cool KS Wild merch in the process!
Step 1:
Share a photo or a video of a big tree or old-growth forest you love. You can be in the picture or video, but it's not required. It can be from a past adventure, or it can come from your next walk in the woods!
Step 2:
In the caption, tell us why you appreciate old-growth forests. If you need some inspiration, visit our old-growth campaign page to learn why they're so vital. Add the hashtags #ClimateForests #ClimateForestHike #WorthMoreStanding and tag KS Wild! Then share to Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.
Step 3:
We'll share your photo and love for big trees to our page, we'll add your photo to our visual petition advocating for permanent protection of old-growth forests, and we'll add you to our drawing for some sweet KS Wild merch! The drawing will take place at the end of May!