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Object to Changing Forest Service Land Use Designations to Make Way for the Jordan Cove Pipeline Project

Photo Credit: Rick Rappaport, 2016

Photo Credit: Rick Rappaport, 2016


The Forest Service is proposing to hand over your forests to a fracked-gas export company in order to facilitate pipeline construction across public lands. This is the second of two objection periods the Forest Service has proposed. One of the necessary approvals for the Jordan Cove LNG Pipeline is to change Forest Service land use allocations for the project that will also impact future public land management projects.

How to Take Action:

Anyone who previously participated by commenting on the project can file a legal “objection” of the Forest Service’s decision.

Use the template provided to write your own objection. Be sure to mention in your objections any comments you have previously submitted on the LNG project.

The following template document provides language that is required to submit a complete “objection.” Please copy and paste all bold titles and modify the [example] language to fit your interest in why the Forest Service should deny amending their land management plans to exempt the Jordan Cove LNG export project.

Once you’ve written your objection, follow the link at the bottom of this page to submit your objection using the Forest Service submission process. You will be able to upload a document or build your objection in the text box.


Deadline for the first Forest Service Objection: January 20, 2020

Objections must be received by close of business that day (5pm).

Objections must be signed (e-signatures are ok).