Stop the Bear Grub Timber Sale!
At a time when many communities are pulling together, the BLM is busy pushing forward controversial timber sales. Throughout the public lands managed by the Medford District BLM, timber planners are preparing "group selection" and "regeneration harvest" logging units that increase fire hazard by replacing old-growth forests with dense young timber plantations. The latest of these logging projects is the "Bear Grub" timber sale which calls for logging native forests in the Little Applegate and Bear Creek watersheds. To date, BLM timber planners have refused to meaningfully collaborate with impacted communities or consider reasonable alternatives to their clearcutting agenda. With the recently released environmental assessment, it is more important than ever that we let the BLM know the communities of Ruch, Jacksonville, Medford, and Ashland want to restore forests rather than destroy them. People have until July 13th to comment on the Bear Grub Environmental Assessment. The BLM is offering two virtual community meetings, on June 23rd and June 25th. Join me in speaking out against dangerous timber sales like Bear Grub at the BLM's community meeting: To register for the event: Send your name, email, phone number, and any comment you want to submit to with the Subject Heading BBMP registration and questions. We want to keep the collective drumbeat rolling, to ensure that the BLM understands that their current method of operations is untenable for the health and safety of our fire-prone communities. Our elected leaders, the BLM, and the timber industry need to hear that you oppose group selection and regeneration logging that will increase fire hazard while harming wildlife and watersheds. Together we can successfully challenge the timber industry’s plans to turn mature forests into timber plantations.
Public Meeting to Stop Bear Grub