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A Celebration of Nettles: food, fiber, fertilzer, and medicine!

Harvest and process fresh nettles into a concentrate that can be used as a mineral seasoning for soup, stir-fry, and more. This three day class will cover the steps needed to concentrate an herb without alcohol. We will spend many hours getting to know nettles as a plant, food and medicine, as well as fiber! Bring a lunch, gloves, pruners, and notebook or journal. Take home nettle concentrate sample and a nettle plant.

Location in Cave Junction. For more information contact Siskiyou Mountain Herbs, 9044 Takilma Road, Cave Junction, OR 97523, (541) 592-3386,,

Sliding scale key: low end for folks covering their basic needs, high end for those that can afford to take a vacation with air travel, middle is for those in the middle.