Permanent Protections for Kalmiopsis Wild Rivers

The southwestern corner of Oregon contains the headwaters of the premier wild rivers in the West.  Sparkling emerald water flows through forested canyons to the ocean, these rivers are important fish and wildlife habitat and provide clean drinking water that local communities depend on.

But mining companies want to excavate a series of nickel strip mines in the pristine tributaries of the Wild and Scenic Smith and Illinois Rivers in the heart of California and Oregon’s much loved Wild Rivers Coast. And they want to mine in the coastal streams of Hunter Creek and Pistol River. These devastating proposals would turn these wild and pristine watersheds into a wasteland of haul roads, ore smelters, and piles of toxic mining waste.

On January 12th, 2017 under the Obama Administration, the BLM and Forest Service announced that the Kalmiopsis wild rivers were officially protected for 20 years under a "mineral withdrawal," effectively blocking further threats of industrial strip mining.

The protection of the 20 year mineral withdrawal is the culmination of several years of dedication and hard work. A huge thank you goes out to the local supporters, the organizations, and the elected officials, that have worked tirelessly to support the campaign to protect the beloved Kalmiopsis rivers.

The campaign coalition will continue to pursue efforts for permanent protection for generations to come.