Klamath-Siskiyou Wildlands Center

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Gas Pipeline A Bad Deal

The Rogue River has one of the most prolific salmon runs in Oregon, second only to the Columbia. Salmon and Steelhead, including endangered Coho, swim up from the ocean to spawn in the Rogue’s many tributary streams. These streams are in danger of being diverted, dredged and blasted to make way for a 235- mile gas export pipeline.

Our local, national forests boast a diverse range of tree species creating unique habitat for wildlife and birds. We treasure these forests where we play, explore and escape and don’t want to see permanent clear-cut swaths 95 feet wide and miles and miles long.

Rural, southern Oregon landowners value the property that enables them to live, work and retire here. A riverside retirement home and a working ranch in the hills are important to landowners for different reasons. Both depend on the land that can be used and enjoyed without the impacts and inherent dangers of a 36-inch explosive gas pipeline buried in their backyards.

Energy companies want to take our private land, and use our pristine streams and public forests for their own profit to export fracked, American gas overseas. We cannot allow this to happen and now is the time to stand up and speak up against it!

Rogue Riverkeeper and our allies have been fighting the proposal for a gas pipeline, power plant, and export terminal through southern Oregon for years. This dangerous and unnecessary project threatens private property owners with eminent domain, will impact dozens of threatened and endangered species, will clear-cut a 95 foot swath for 235 miles, will raise our gas rates here at home, and accelerate climate change.

Rogue Riverkeeper Mission:

To protect and restore water quality and fish populations
in the Rogue Basin and adjacent coastal watersheds through enforcement, advocacy, field work and community action.

www.rogueriverkeeper.org — (541) 488-9831

Now is the time to speak up against this ill-conceived project. We anticipate a draft Environmental Impact Statement to be released within the next several months and our state agencies and decision makers need to hear your voice. It is imperative that we come together now to fight the corporate greed that will threaten our southern Oregon home. Join us today and let’s keep pipelines and gas exports out of southern Oregon.

5 quick and easy ways you can help stop LNG today!

1. Hang a No LNG sign
in your yard or along your
street (we’ll send you one).
2. Write a letter to the editor
of the Mail Tribune, the Ore-
gonian or your local paper.
3. Write a letter or call Governor Kitzhaber.
4. Write a letter or call your Senators and Representatives.
5. Host a house party and video showing of our 6-minute LNG video.

Contact us today! Call 541-488-9831 or email robyn@rogueriverkeeper.org.