A Tale of two timber sales…
KS Wild is known for holding federal land managers accountable and challenging timber sales that threaten harm to wildlife and watersheds, so it's a big deal when we give the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) their flowers for doing the right thing.
Check out our latest blog post telling the story of two timber sales in the Klamath-Siskiyou region. One in which the BLM advanced true forest management, and one in which they are not…
KS in the Press
Today forest conservation organizations filed a legal challenge in Medford federal district court challenging the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) latest old-growth timber sale located in the Cascade foothills east of the community of Sunny Valley, Oregon.
KS Wild and partners are litigating against the BLM’s Rogue Gold timber sale behind the community of Gold Hill and Rogue River, OR. The forests being targeted for logging are resilient, healthy, older forests that are designated as reserves for conservation, recreation, and water protection.
KS Wild and partners are taking the BLM to court on Tuesday, April 2nd against the BLM’s Integrated Vegetation Management (IVM) project.
Breaking News! The D.C. Court of Appeals just affirmed the legality of an expansion of the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument. This is a pivotal decision that means that Western Oregon BLM lands can be managed for social and environmental values, not just timber production.
In a legal victory, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today agreed to reconsider whether West Coast fishers in northern California and southern Oregon warrant protection under the Endangered Species Act. Read the full press release here.
A coalition of conservation organizations filed a legal complaint challenging the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) “Integrated Vegetation Management” (IVM) program that would aggressively log forest stands located within Late Successional Reserves, areas purportedly set aside for forest conservation.
Judge in the District Court for the District of Oregon ruled that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service justification for Bureau of Land Management timber sales totaling nearly 18,000 acres including old growth forests violated the Endangered Species Act.
Klamath-Siskiyou Wildlands Center joined the Center for Biological Diversity and the Environmental Protection Information Center in suing the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today for denying endangered species protection to West Coast fishers.
Send an Action
Rather it is the result of decades of fire exclusion that allowed conifers to overtake hardwood ecosystems combined with the climate change-induced heat domes and drought. All of which result in young fir stands being especially vulnerable to mortality. Now the BLM wants to log their way out of the problem. Let's make sure they get it right.
The U.S. Forest Service is working to update every national forest plan in the country to protect old growth, which could become one of the most meaningful safeguards for federal forests that we have seen in decades. The agency is currently seeking public input on how they’ll manage public forests for generations to come. This is a unique opportunity that we don’t want to miss.
Currently the 8,150-acre "Last Chance" timber sale calls for logging most of the remaining mature and old-growth forests in the foothills between Sunny Valley and Galesville. Take action now to help defend this essential forestland.
Five Areas of Critical Environmental Concern within the CSNM are at risk. Please take a moment to click and write to the BLM that these special places in Monument need to be recognized and protected!
Latest News
In his final days in office, President Biden has designated two new national monuments: the Sáttítla National Monument in northern California and the Chuckwalla National Monument in southern California.
The conservation community lost a beloved member with the passing of long-time activist Lou Gold on November 15, 2024.
While the Bureau of Land Management struggles to address a low-elevation die-off, it is also conducting ‘regeneration’ logging — replacing healthy older stands with dense Douglas fir stands that are not resilient to fire or drought
While descendants of OR-7 carry the Rogue Wolf Pack legacy, wolf conservation is still in flux across the region and country. Click to learn more.
Upcoming events
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Join KS Wild for our first book club! Dana R. Fisher's Saving Ourselves is a wonderful text that argues that there is a realistic path forward for climate action—but only through mass mobilization. We will build hope and community as we explore the themes and deeper messages together over 4 club meetings. Sign up is required.
In celebration of National Seed Swap Day, Join KS Wild, Pollinator Project Rogue Valley, Bestow, and Bee Sweet Blooms as we celebrate National Seed Swap Day for our third annual Seed and Plant Swap!
KS Wild and Rogue Riverkeeper invite you to stop by during Ashland’s First Friday Art Walk and see the work of our latest artist while snacking and sipping with members and supporters in the community.