Klamath-Siskiyou Wildlands Center

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Public Lands Advocacy

All across America people are coming together and speaking up to ensure that public lands are kept in public hands for generations to come.

Public lands are good for community health and clean water.

We believe public lands management should focus on protecting the best & restoring the rest. Allowing harmful activities, like clear-cutting & mining, is a step backwards that will reduce water quality, damage our rivers and streams, degrade habitat for fish and wildlife.

Current leadership both nationally & locally wants to turn back the clock on decades of progress in conservation and sound stewardship of our public lands and open them up to more of the harmful activities that science tells us pollutes our clean water and degrades habitat for fish and wildlife.

We can’t afford to take our shared ownership of our public lands for granted. Active involvement of citizen owners of public land, especially those who love and know them best, can make a big difference to ensure they are managed thoughtfully and sustainably for today and future generations.

At KS Wild we thank you for taking the time to think globally and act locally, to consider future generations while taking action NOW.

Our shared public lands—including our national forests, parks and wildlife refuges—provide us all with spectacular outdoor recreation opportunities, while supporting our nation’s fish, wildlife and natural heritage. They deliver robust economic opportunities and are a true asset to be shared and preserved into perpetuity.