Klamath-Siskiyou Wildlands Center

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Wolf OR-7 is a Father

Good news for wolves! The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife reported in June that Wolf OR-7 and his mate have at least two pups, seen peeking out from a log to the right. While OR-7’s female companion is not as well known, her untold story is just as miraculous.

Who would believe that a pair of wolves could discover each other hundreds of miles from where they were born and produce a litter of pups? This story gives us hope. It shows us that wildlife long missing from our landscapes can recover. Wild nature can be restored. 

But we need our elected leaders to embrace wolf conservation. Wolves have just begun to take their first steps back on the West Coast. Stay engaged in wolf conservation efforts. You can check out the Pacific Wolf Coalition for more about KS Wild’s work to protect wolves as they return to the Pacific Northwest.